Search MyGlue from any webpage

The MyGlue Chrome Extension enables searching MyGlue from any open webpage with our quick search shortcut.

Here are the steps to use this feature:

  1. Sign in to the MyGlue Chrome Extension. After signing in, you are ready to use quick search.
  2. Whenever you need to search for an asset (password, document, etc.) or organization from Chrome, press the quick search "Q" shortcut. Immediately the pop-over search opens on the active webpage.


    Alternatively, before pressing Q, you can also select text on the webpage you're viewing to populate the search with the selected text. 

  3. Next, type your keywords. You can add as many keywords as you need.


  4. Use arrow keys to navigate the results. You can also press Tab to cycle the search scope forward through the different asset types (Shift + Tab reverses direction).
  5. To open to the chosen result, press Enter or click on it. A new tab opens to display the page in MyGlue. If you are not yet signed in to the MyGlue web app, you will need to sign in to continue.