Adding, editing, and deleting passwords

When you sign in to MyGlue, the first page you’ll usually see is the Passwords list view, depending on whether passwords are enabled on your account.

Once you’ve documented many passwords, this screen gives you a bird’s eye view of all the passwords you have access to.

Hover over the padlock icon to the right of each password to see who can access that asset. When the padlock is open, the permissions associated with that asset are the same as the organization's. When the padlock is closed, there have been changes to that password's permissions.

Default Permissions

When setting up your MyGlue account, your IT service provider would have chosen a default permission applicable to all new password assets you create in MyGlue. The default permissions are below:

  • All MyGlue users with access to the organization have access by default - Passwords created by MyGlue users will be visible to all other MyGlue users with access to the same organization. This ensures that a low-risk and widely used password is easily accessible.
  • Only the creator has access by default - Passwords created by MyGlue users are visible only to that user. This ensures that a password is not exposed to an entire group or organization upon creation.
  • Specific groups and/or users with access to the organization can access by default - Passwords created by MyGlue users will be automatically shared to specifically chosen MyGlue groups/users. This means that MyGlue users don’t need to remember to set those permissions each time they create a password. The password creator will still have access.

These default permissions can be changed on any asset. Please see our Limiting/restricting access to passwords KB article for more information.


To open a password, click on it. To view the encrypted password or OTP code on screen, click the respective field. This decrypts the password or OTP code and displays it in plain text for 30 seconds. Viewing the OTP will also display the remaining time of validity.

You can also click the Copy to clipboard button next to the password or OTP code to copy it without displaying it on screen.


Note: If you have access to list views for other asset types, you can add other types of assets in the same way as described below. Instead of entering password details, enter the common fields you use for new assets like the one you are creating.
Adding a password
  1. Sign into MyGlue and select the organization you are a part of (if not automatically taken to your organization's main page).
  2. Click Passwords in the left-side of the screen.
  3. Click the +New button in the top-right corner of the screen.


  4. In the Create Password page, complete the following fields:
    1. Name - Give your password a descriptive name (e.g. Alarm Code, Fedex Pickup Login, Staples Login, Adobe Creative Cloud Login, etc.)
    2. Category - Start typing to search and select a relevant category.
    3. Username - Enter the username associated with the password.
    4. Password - Click Generate to auto-create a strong password. Once generated, you can click the eye icon to toggle visibility. Alternatively, you can manually enter a password.
    5. One-time Password (optional) - Enter the secret key from any third-party authentication application that you used to create the OTP. The secret key must be at least 16 characters long and use Base32 formatting.
    6. URL - If this is an online account, enter the URL of the website you’ll be accessing. Be sure to include http(s):// or www. at the beginning of the URL. Otherwise, the link will not be clickable in the mobile app.
    7. Notes - Enter any other useful information in the Notes area (e.g. account numbers, loyalty program numbers, etc.)
  5. Attach any files that are related to the password. You can use one of the following methods to upload files: Drag and drop files from your desktop or click in the dotted outline area and select the files you'd like to upload. The maximum attachment size is 50MB.
  6. In the right-hand side pane, the security permissions will show any default settings configured by your IT service provider. Change the security permissions if required.
  7. Click Save.
Editing a password

You can edit a password by clicking the pencil icon to the right of the relevant row when in the password list view, or by following the steps below:

  1. Open the password you want to edit.
  2. Click the Edit button in the top right.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. If you're not changing the actual password, leave the password field blank to keep the existing password.
  5. Click Save.
Note: For passwords with OTP generated for it, you will not be able to view or edit the secret key. However, you can click the Clear button to remove the key if you have a Creator or above role in MyGlue.


Deleting a password

Depending on your user permissions, you may be able to delete a password from the list view or from where you view the password as described here.

  1. Open the password you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button in the top right.
  3. On the confirmation prompt, click Yes to delete it.
Creating a password folder
  1. Navigate to Organizations > Passwords and then click + New in the top-right corner.


  2. In the dropdown, click Folder. A field will appear allowing you to name your new password folder.


    Your new password folder will now appear in the Password list view.

  3. Drag and drop the passwords from the list view into the new folder.

Keep in mind that anything deleted from your MyGlue account is immediately deleted. There is no way for a MyGlue user to undo this action.

Next: Adding, editing, and deleting documents